What clients are saying

Michelle takes an approach to storytelling that allows for your true self to shine and have others see in your abilities even when you are talking about your weaknesses. One hell of a strategy.

Ivan Ho, Founder & CEO of IMV Business Inc.

The workshop with Michelle taught me to get out of my comfort zone and that everyone has a story to tell even if you don't think it's significant.


People don't remember speeches. People don't remember facts. People remember stories... especially stories that connect with their emotions.

Make a lasting impression
Learn how to present your story so that it has an impact, and ensure you are remembered.

Find the meaning and share
Write your story to motive, inspire, explain, or advocate for a cause.

Job interviews
Storytelling can turn an interview or talk from FLAT to FABULOUS. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom, or from the C-Suite, a well crafted story can make a difference.

Storytelling for business
From founder stories to the launch of new products, a story will always connect you to your customers.

Storytelling for Individuals

There are certain events in our lives that change everything: the death of a love one, the loss of a job, the birth of a child, a bad diagnosis, marriage, war, an accident, or even COVID. These events can set our lives on new trajectories. 
Life events are unique to each person, which means that every story will be different.  Storytelling is a way for you to make sense of what has happened in your life, or what is happening now.  It is also a way to share your experiences, lessons learned, and insights, so that others may learn from you.

No experience is wasted if you have learned something from it.  No opportunity is wasted if you have gained new skills.  

Experiencing tragedy, loss, pain, stress and other challenges give us the opportunity to learn and grow, whether we want to or not.  Writing the story of your life is a way to capture what life was like "before", how you're dealing with the changes, and what you have learned.

You can use your personal experiences to be a change maker or a movement starter.  You can inspire, advocate, heal, help, motivate, educate and connect through your story.

Working with me, you'll have an opportunity to craft your story, whether the audience is just you, your family, or the public.

Each week, we'll explore different topics of your story, craft specific stories, or work on stories you've already written.

These insights are a priceless gift to future generations. The lessons you learn can shape and influence others.

If you're ready to start, just click to go to the payment and booking page.

Storytelling for Business or Careers

Do you have a founder story for your company?  Do you employees know how to tell it?  Do you?

Are you preparing for a job interview and aren't sure how to address the lack of "Canadian experience"?

Have you been out of the job market for a while and need to find a way to explain the gap?

Are you a stay-at-home parent who wants to apply the skills they have developed to a new job?

All of these questions and situations can be answered with stories.  The more stories you have in your pocket, ready to pull out, will not only show you are prepared, but that you have some mad-skills that employers are desperate for!

If you're ready to start, just click to go to the payment and booking page.

What clients are saying

This is the first time I got an opportunity to speak, speak my story aloud. And Michelle, you helped me come out and share my experience. And Michelle, you rock. We need people like you.

Geetha Menon

Michelle's Storytelling for Job Seekers workshop was substantial and allowed me to walk away with very concrete stories I could use in many areas of my life: in an interview, promotions, networking, dating - even when meeting new people at a dinner party! The amount of ground we covered, with practical points to help choose and craft the right stories for 3 of the most important questions you'll share about yourself, is so valuable for building relationships and finding meaningful opportunities.

© 2025 Michelle Spear